Check your status page regularly to track your spending. Try to avoid losses. Don't bet money you can't afford to lose, and never use money that is meant for rent, bills, or other essential expenses. Gambling is a form of entertainment, but it's important to approach it with caution.
It is difficult to recognize the main signs that gambling has become a problem. The main sign that gambling is starting to affect the quality of life is when it begins to influence personal life. For many people, gambling is a harmless and enjoyable recreational activity. However, this gambling can become a problem if the player loses control over the time and money they spend. Such compulsive behavior is called problem gambling or gambling addiction. Problems with gambling can exist even without a formal diagnosis. Addiction as a disease is defined by a doctor or psychologist.
Here are some signs and characteristics that may indicate problems with gambling and betting:
Gambling addiction can negatively affect many aspects of life: social relationships, work, school, professional, financial, social and family life, etc.
Here are some simple but effective ways to protect your account:
If you suspect someone has accessed your bank account, look for the following signs: